Friday 28 August 2009

The Possibility of a Passionate Being


I have been watching the Athletic World Championship in Berlin.
Hope you guys remember about the 'Ecstatic Ram from Nepal' who has demonstrated meditating to the almighty without food and water for months together, the human being's physical endurance and the possibility is well demonstrated in such athletic shows.

Amazed by this guy 'Usain Bolt', who has turned a 'Super Man' with 6 Golds in 6 events and almost as many World Records ! What I liked about him most was the complete care-free devoted attitude to become a legend ! And the 'World Record' times he has surpassed in 2 years are the times which the history took decades to overcome ! Brilliant !!

But, nothing less of that sort of super-human effort is this Ethiopian athlete's response to an adversity. This guy is a long distance (15000 meters I guess) runner, and he was one of the expected guys to get medals. There were aroung 25 runners starting the race, and after just few minutes start of the event, he was pushed by a fellow competitor in the crowd and he falls down, gets hurt by couple of boots too. When he gets up to run again, he finds his shoes are not on. When he finds them running backwards and tries to wear them, he finds one of the shoes is badly damaged. Without caring his injuries and the damaged shoes, he does manage to fit his legs in the shoes and starts running. By the time his fellow competitors have passed half-a-ground ahead. He starts the catching game, all of his fellowmates are running at a gradual pace for the long distance race, but he sprints to catch them.
It takes 5 rounds of sprinting to catch up with the fellow competitors and by the time he reaches them, there are only few more rounds left in the race and the competitors are now starting to sprint to finish the race! The whole crowd and the TV crew forgot all about the race leaders, they are talking about this guy's will to overcome the adversity. He runs himself to the extreme and manages to come 6th out of 25 in that race ! Only after he reaches the finish-line he sees his injuries, tears flowing his cheeks, he leaves the ground amidst a loud applause from everyone.

It is just the show of the possibility of the monument of Effort & Will of human being.

On the same note, Supreme Devotion is the quality which is mentioned by many ! The following story is claimed to be a real story, am really touched and moved by the Purity of this ! You might have heard about Brahmasutras. That is known as 'Bhamati'.Why the Brahmasutras are named 'Bhamati' is the touching story.

The Story :
Vachaspati was sincerely involved in writing the Brahmasutras at his young age.His father asked him to get married, and during that olden days people respect their parents words and follow them sincerely. He got married and brought his wife home.He was so much devoted and involved in his work on Brahmasutras that he completelyforgot about his world around him. He was working day in and day out, not bothering anything abouthis environment. Seeing her husband's sincerity towards his work, she did not even ask him anything, she was taking careof all his needs, bringing food, lighting the lamp etc. Vachaspati, did not even notice who brings the things for him.

Finally, the day arrived, years have passed by then. Vachaspati completed his work and with a completed 'Thejas' in his face, looks around.Her wife is standing besides him.

He: Who are you and what are you doing here ?!

She: Now that you have asked, I can say, I am your wife, you married me years back and brought me here.Seeing that you are completely absorbed in your work, I did not want to disturb you.

Hearing this, tears started flowing from his eyes.

She: What is the matter ? Why tears in your eyes, hope I have not disturbed you !

He : (With a profound moved voice and tears in his eyes.....)
I have recently taken a 'Vow' to take Sanyas after completing this work.And the work is complete now and I am a Sanyasin. I am at loss, I could not complete my duties towards you as a husband.

She : ( Shaken by this, She, Bhamati says...)
Please do not worry like that and kindly allow me to follow you as a Devotee.

Vachaspati, completely touched by her devotion says, "It is a bliss, I would like to honour your devotion by naming this work on the Brahmasutras as 'Bhamati' "

This is how the devine Brahmasutras are called 'Bhamati' !

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